Organization Overview

Board of Directors Resource Page

Mission Statement

To provide an authentic Central Ohio experience that highlights the diversity and vibrancy of our community, both economically and culturally by promoting and incubating “best-in-class” local, independent businesses.


To be the leading public market in the U.S. providing a memorable and evolving customer experience.


Authenticity, Community Driven, Inspirational, Preservation of History, Collaboration


We are inspiring, unique, iconic and historic, yet always relevant. We take pride in our diversity and reputation by demanding the highest quality in everything we do.



What is a Public Market?

1. A public market primarily sells food. Different public markets focus on different types of products, but typically, a shopper can find produce, meat, fish, dairy products, baked goods, coffee, spices, and various specialty and prepared foods. Some markets also sell flowers, beverages, crafts or other related non-food items.

2. A public market is open year-round. Unlike farmers markets, which often exist only seasonally and may pop up just once or twice a week, a public market is open daily, year-round, in a permanent location.

3. A public market is made up of small independent businesses, and often the shop or stall is owner-operated. Rather than one company selling every item, like you would find in a supermarket, a public market features dozens of vendors selling food and other products they made themselves.

4. A public market fulfills a public purpose beyond retail food sales. A public market is more than just a place to shop; it provides customers with an experience. A public market is a bustling and vibrant place that brings people together to taste new flavors, learn from educational workshops and classes, watch the process of food being made, or develop new friendships. A public market is a civic resource for everyone.

Board Member Commitments

The Board Member, the Board and its Committees

As an individual board member, I am a volunteer to the North Market Development Authority. As such, I may be contacted by the executive or staff and asked for advice and counsel by the executive or staff; I may be asked for help with any other activity that requires volunteer assistance. As a lone board member, I have no authority over staff, other volunteers, or any operational or policy level concerns of the organization.

As a board member meeting in a regular meeting of the board, I have the authority to act together with the board as a whole on matters of policy affecting the NMDA. In such meetings, we are also available for advice and counsel on any operational matters that executive may choose to bring to our attention.

As a committee chair or a committee member, I am a volunteer serving the needs of the NMDA, which have been assigned to my committee. The committee and its chair advise, counsel, attend and help to implement any activity under its purview. As a committee, we have no authority over staff, other volunteers, or any operational or policy level concerns of the organization. Major decisions affecting the operations of the organization are subject to approval of the whole board and/or the executive, as appropriate.

Expectations for the Board, Board President and Executive Director

The Board expects its Executive Director will:

  1. Serve as Chief Operations Executive of the organization;
  2. Serve as professional advisor to the Board
  3. Recommend appropriate policies for consideration
  4. Implement effectively all policies adopted by the Board
  5. Inform the Board fully accurately regarding the program
  6. Interpret the needs of the program, present professional recommendations on all

    problems and issues considered by the Board

  7. Develop a budget (in conjunction with the finance committee), keep the Board up-to-

    date on budget problem/issues

  8. Recruit the best personnel and develop a competent staff and supervise it
  9. Devote the time to improving the staff
  10. Assist the Board in developing and conducting community information programs.

The Board and Executive Director expect the President will:

  1. Provide leadership to the Board in expediting the goals of the organization
  2. Guide the board in fulfilling its stated roles
  3. Chair Board meetings effectively, assuring adequate discussions of all issues, but

    keeping the meeting moving

  4. Utilize the Board’s time effectively
  5. Supervise the Executive Director
  6. Supervise committee chairpersons
  7. Represent the organization in important matters that affect it
  8. Develop selected Board members to assume future leadership roles in the


  9. Enhance the organization’s image in the community
  10. Be a role model for the other volunteers

The Executive Director expects the Board will:

  1. Counsel and advise – giving the benefit of its judgment, expertise and familiarity with the local setting
  2. Consult with the Executive on all matters which Board is considering
  3. Delegate responsibility for all executive functions
  4. Refrain from handling administrative details
  5. Make all the staff responsible to the Executive Director
  6. Share all communications with the Executive Director
  7. Provide support to the ED and staff in carrying out their professional duties
  8. Support the ED in all decisions/acting consistent with the policies of the Board and

    the standards of the organization

  9. Hold the ED accountable for the supervision of the organization
  10. Evaluate the work of the Executive Director.

Board Member Selection Criteria

  • Candidates must have a passion for the Market and the Market’s Mission.
  • Candidates must get deep personal satisfaction from being on our Board.
  • Candidates must exhibit an excitement for Downtown Columbus: Housing, Commercial Development, Employment, and Culture.
  • Candidates must exhibit a healthy dose of civic pride.
  • Candidates must have a “big picture” appreciation for our Market, its needs and its place in our community (past, present, and most importantly the future).

Individual Board Member Responsibilities

  • Commit to attending a minimum of 4 (total 6) board meetings and as many committee meetings and functions as possible.
  • Be informed about the organization’s mission, services, policies, and programs.
  • Serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments.
  • Commit to selling 25 tickets for fundraising events.
  • Make (or assist) a corporate financial contribution to the organization (if applicable).
  • Assist in identifying fundraising opportunities and donors.
  • Inform others about the organization and our mission.
  • Suggest possible nominees to the board who can make significant contributions to the work of the board and the organization.
  • Keep up-to-date on developments in the organization’s field.
  • Follow conflict of interest and confidentiality policies.
  • Refrain from making special requests of the staff.
  • Assist the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s annual financial statements.